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IP Monetization means turning invisible and intangible ideas and discoveries into new products, profits, jobs and boosting the country's economy.  Millions of patented inventions never reach or do very poorly on the market place. But markets may love the products, which are shelved or initially deemed as technical failures per commonly accepted notions.* IP owners may benefit from:


  • Audit/ Identification/ Systemization to select Intangible Assets portfolios (by their grouping with ownership and encumbrance clarification) for exclusive use by the company, and for non-essential / non-core assets’ sale, licensing, abandonment (of expired/ worthless patents to save on their maintenance fees) or monetization** otherwise


  • Valuation to determine a fair market value of IP assets

  • Marketing assessment based on business and legal analysis (e.g., patent validity and claim scope issues) for identification of potential acquirers and licensees, and minimization of litigation risks


  • Intermediation in Sales or Sale and License Back*** to foreign or domestic companies/ investors via auctions, e-fairs, private networks or brokers


  • Intermediation in Licensing including cross-licensing and sub-licensing


  • Infringement suit damages’ recovery (in determination of reasonable royalty rate, etc.)


  • “Collateralization” by using IP assets’ most conservative disposal value as collateral for loans


  • Joint Ventures with competitors, universities, and R&D laboratories


  • Dual-Use Technologies' exploitation for civilian commercial, medical and military purposes, such as radio, telephone, lasers, CPS, sonars, Internet, rockets, nuclear power for electricity/ bombs, self-heating ready-to-eat meals, radars, cement, X-rays, etc. Thousands of patented inventions, researched and developed by either the government laboratories or private companies, are ready for dual-use product commercialization on an either off-the-shelf or lab-to-market implementation basis.


*For example, the market blossomed for VIAGRA drug but its feats came out as a side effect of a poorly performed blood pressure drug; VELCRO detachable hook-loop lock adopted by many industries is de facto a weak lock for fixed binding of flexible materials; and POST-IT sticky notes (a concept based on an ineffective glue being unable to permanently attach paper products) are purchased by millions of people.


**Revenue streams, via licensing or sale of IP assets no longer supporting core business operations, may commence corporate income flow within months of marketing plan implementation. Small companies can make more money from their licensing programs and from infringement suit recoveries than from selling their core business products.


***The IP owner sells IP to investors at the IP’s fair market value, takes a non-exclusive license back to use that IP and pays license royalties to the investors making money on that license’s royalties and from other non-exclusive licenses granted to third parties.

Viagra® is a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc.;   VELCRO® is a registered trademark of VELCRO Industries B.V.;  Post-it® is a registered trademark of 3M Company.

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